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Eugene Chow Reiki Healing

Rediscover Wellness With Reiki Healing

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. ― Nikola Tesla

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

― Nikola Tesla

Is Gentle & Natural Healing Possible?

Treatment and healing conjure pictures of patients looking frail and weak giving a feeble smile. Or perhaps of people looking hungry and miserable after days of drinking nothing but water.

Must therapy always be this harsh? What if I told you there is a better way? What if you can heal gently and naturally, pain-free and without feeling miserable?

Eugene Chow - Reiki Master, Reiki Teacher, Reiki Workshops, Reiki Healing - Radiant Flow Singapore

Hello Friend!
I’m Eugene

I am a Reiki Master & Teacher based in Singapore. I wear several colourful hats doing hypnotherapy, past life regression therapy, EFT tapping and also nutrition therapy.

Stuck In Your Healing Journey?

Do You
Feel Lost?

Something still feels missing in your life after having tried numerous healing modalities. You’ve tried everything from diets to supplements to therapy. You feel utterly lost.

Are You
In Pain?

Physical, mental and emotional problems – you have one of them or worse, ALL of them. Pain is your best friend. Nothing you do seems to shake them off.

Do You Feel Negative?

Is your life a constant stream of negativity? Your mind is filled with negative, intrusive thoughts. You always attract negative situations no matter how much you avoid them.

Believe me, I know how you feel. Many years ago, I was in the EXACT same situation as you.

I Was An Enormous Reiki Skeptic

My younger self would roar with laughter if he learned that I’m a reiki practitioner and trainer today. Energy healing? Are you mad?

After all, I began my healing journey as huge skeptic of energy healing. I had the same doubting questions you have. Is Reiki pure quackery? Why isn’t everyone doing it if it were so easy?

It also didn’t help that, as a former software engineer, I’m a left-brainer who lived and breathed science and logic. Yet there I was sick to the bone and science had failed to heal my broken mind and body.

Reiki Proves Me Wrong

Sick of feeling sick, I desperately groped for anything that remotely sounded like healing. I did the unthinkable and signed up for a reiki workshop.

During the workshop, I came down with a fleeting 39°C fever for merely 4 hours. Two days later with daily reiki practice, I woke up to a 90-year-old body! Every inch of my body ached with extreme fatigue for 2 straight weeks that’s best described as COVID without cough and runny nose. In this debilitating state, I could only muster the energy to hobble to the toilet and back.

My teacher called it an energetic detox. I seriously wanted to call it quits. To my surprise, I felt wonderfully energised once the symptoms wore off!


You see… Reiki works whether or not you believe in it, just as a tree keeps growing taller regardless of your beliefs. Reiki will simply do what it’s meant to do.

Reiki is the greatest secret in the science of energetic.

Hawayo Takata

Reiki is the greatest secret in the science of energetic. ― Hawayo Takata

What Makes Me A Great Therapist?

For over 30 years, I’ve endured countless diseases that impacted my quality of life. Depression, anxiety, brain fog, low self-esteem, chronic fatigue, severe bodily pains… You name it, I had it. I was a seriously bad piece of meat.

Like you, I was also a corporate warrior who wore more hats than I could count. I’m deeply familiar with the stress, anxiety and worries you face every waking moment.

I understand your problems inside out. I can relate to you.

I am here to deliver you good news.

Thanks to receiving regular reiki, my mind and body shifted towards excellent health! Today, I have recovered and you definitely can too!

What On Earth Is Reiki?

The words rei ki written in Japanese kanji

The human body is more than just flesh and bones. It is energy too. In Eastern medicine, it’s known as Prana, Chi and Ki. Just watch this Qigong master use his bare hands to start a fire with pure energy!

Reiki is founded on the understanding of the body’s energy system which directly impacts your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. By offering reiki, reiki practitioners strive to improve your health and quality of life by restoring the balance in your body.

Reiki is gentle healing and, I would say, even gentler than a massage. It works directly with your body’s energy field by nudging out negative energies and replacing it with positive ones. Reiki is also a chakra balancing treatment as part of the package. As a result, mental, physical and emotional pains leave the body because your energy field is where your problems are rooted. Think of it as drinking juices to detox the unproductive gunk in your body.

Show Me The Science!

Scientific research shows that reiki healing works better than placebo or sham treatments
Scientific research shows that reiki healing works better than placebo or sham treatments

Science geeks will be thrilled to learn reiki is wholly supported by scientific research!

Here we find a paper by Dyer et al which concludes that “Reiki can elicit the relaxation response and alter emotions and perception in such a way as to facilitate a transformative subjective healing experience”.

Another paper from 2017 found that “Reiki has been found to be more effective than placebo for reducing pain, anxiety, and depression, and for improving self-esteem and quality of life”.

Research by a Turkish team shows that for a group of cancer patients “Reiki groups’ pain score decreased and non Reiki groups pain score increased. So the study showed that Reiki decreased the pain level.”

In US hospitals, Reiki has become one of the top 3 complementary in-patient therapies. Co-authors of Reiki Energy Medicine: Bringing Healing Touch into Home, Hospital and Hospice, Libby Barnett and Maggie Babb remark, “As our health care system challenges institutions to offer high-quality but cost-effective service, Reiki is being recognized as an important tool to maximize patient care and minimize recovery time”.

The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York offers Reiki therapy and also teaches Reiki once a month, inviting the patients, their caregivers, and the general public to learn it. “Patients love it,” says Simone Zappa, RN, an administrator in the centre’s Integrative Medicine Department, “And they love it because it works.”

Top oncologists and heart surgeons are even embracing Reiki in the operating theatre. Reiki has been integrated into the hospital setting with more than 900 hospitals offering it in Australia, the USA, UK, Ireland, Brazil, and Mexico. Reiki is offered in Children’s hospitals, Hospital Emergency Rooms, Pre-Op, Operating rooms, Post Op, Oncology, Cardiology, Orthopaedics, Internal Medicine, and Palliative Care.

If anyone says Reiki is some pseudoscience quackery, forward him my website. Reiki is more mainstream than you think.

Amazing Reiki Healing Stories

Personal anecdotes complete our understanding of reiki and our relationship with it. After all, reiki healing is a subjective experience. What has been the reiki experience of people who have tried it?

Penny recovered from a serious ankle sprain using reiki healing

Penny sprained her ankle badly and the doctor told her she’d need crutches for 2 weeks and a cane afterwards for a month. By applying reiki on her ankle thrice daily, she was walking again in 2 days and never needed crutches.

Michael overcame lifelong alcohol addiction with reiki healing

Michael, a hardcore drinker since a teenager, drank “a bottle and some beers every day” till he was 35. He injured his back and sought reiki to alleviate his pain. In 3 treatments, reiki had cured of his lifelong addiction and alcoholism!

MD Adrian used reiki healing to eliminate a woman's cyst

In another story, Adrian a medical doctor gave reiki to a woman with a 7-cm cyst. She had an intense pain in her abdomen. In a single distant reiki healing session, her pain went away. Two sessions later, the cyst was nowhere to be found!

Incredible! How is this possible?! Thank about it… When you do a juice detox, do you ask why you feel better afterwards? You don’t! It just happens whether or not you believe in it. The body’s innate intelligence eliminates the toxins using the juice’s.

Similarly, your body works hand-in-hand with reiki to heal your problems. It knows how to use reiki to heal regardless of your background and your beliefs. One day, science will catch up with reality and we’ll know how it actually works.

Meanwhile, you can go for reiki treatments while waiting for the answers.

Trust the process, you do not need to know how it works, only that it does. ― Hazel Butterworth

Trust the process, you do not need to know how it works, only that it does.

Hazel Butterworth

What Can Reiki Heal?

Even though I’ve been calling it “reiki healing”, your body actually heals itself and reiki is the catalyst. Reiki is like the healthy fruit juice in a juice detox. But I’ll continue to call it reiki healing for the sake of simplicity.

Based on the understanding that the body knows how to heal itself, reiki can technically be used to heal anything. The sky is the limit!

Stress, anxiety and low energy are the most common use cases for reiki. It has also helped with eye spasms, leg injuries, negative emotions, stuttering, back pain, depression, fertility problems, dating issues, a broken arm, trauma, coma, insomnia, soft voice, cancer, relationships and many more!

Does reiki healing work on pets and animals? Most certainly! Reiki is as healing to your little furry friends as it is to humans. Animals, like humans, also have an energy system that benefit from reiki. It has been used to heal a dog’s eye, to help a struggling crow, for a cat’s infection, on a dog with heart failure and so on.

For the geeks, check out the paper Reiki improves heart rate homeostasis in laboratory rats. The researchers exposed the rats to loud white noise causing their heart rate increase. Subsequent 15-min of daily reiki for 8 days “significantly reduced the rise in HR (heart rate) produced by exposure of the rats to loud noise.”

Can I Learn Reiki?

Reiki is a form of gentle and natural healing; gentler than massage

I’m glad you asked! Anyone from all walks of life can learn reiki. You don’t have to be special to learn it.

Learning reiki is the most amazing gift for yourself. With this skill, you’ll be empowered to heal yourself and also others. Your future self, not to mention your family and friends, will thank you for learning reiki. By becoming a practitioner, you can spread the wonders of reiki to your tribe!

The process of learning reiki involves getting an attunement from me in class. Think of yourself as a pipe that is presently sealed from an energy perspective. Getting attuned opens up your pipe to receiving reiki and thus enabling you to channel it to yourself or others.

Attend one of our upcoming reiki classes in Singapore to learn it for your yourself. Contact me to find out more!

Frequently Asked Questions


I recommend three sessions to start with. One session may not produce much results; three sessions is the sweet spot.

The long answer is there’s no hard and fast rule around this. Every individual is different. Just like taking medication, some respond better and some don’t. Try it and get a sense of it. If it feels good to you and you notice a shift in your energy, keep doing it!


For simple issues like pain, results are usually quickly noticeable. Complete healing may take days, weeks or months depending on the complexity of the issue.


Every person’s experience with Reiki is varied. Some may feel warmth while some may feel an emotional release. Some may enter a calm meditative state and some may even feel nothing at all. There isn’t a straight answer.

Whether or not you sense something, you will always be receiving Reiki and it’s doing its work on you. Not feeling anything means the changes are subtle, just like you may feel nothing after taking Vitamin C.

The healing may also occur after the session. You may experience a mild detox or the flare up of existing conditions. In simple parlance, it is a healing reaction. Congratulations if you experience a detox! It is a blessing because it means Reiki is working hard for you.


The session is an hour long. First timers will be given a brief introduction to reiki healing. Following that, I’ll guide you to set an intent to solve your problem (eg. for knee pain or for a better relationship). Next you’ll lie down with your eyes closed. At this point, just relax and enjoy the process.

During the reiki healing session, I will hover my hands over your body to channel the reiki energy. Chakra balancing will take place as part of the process.


Most certainly! Distance healing is an option for those who prefer not to commute. In the comforts of your room, you can experience reiki as you would in a physical session. Reiki can even be sent while you sleep but it’s best avoided when operating machinery or doing heavy work.


Reiki is non-invasive treatment and it’s very safe. Reiki works directly with your body’s energy system which has the innate intelligence to do what it deems fit with the reiki. It’s like taking Vitamin C for your wellbeing; your body will take what it needs and let go of the rest. The same happens with reiki.

However, do expect detox or healing effects such as fatigue (as explained above), headache and runny nose. These are not side effects per se because the body is using the reiki to perform a detox. Reiki is never the direct cause of the side effects.


Reiki may have a spiritual element to it but it is definitely not a religion. Reiki comes with no religious doctrine to follow and it’s not controlled by any single entity. By receiving and practicing reiki healing, you are simply acknowledging the presence of energy in the cosmos and using it for healing purposes. You don’t have to believe in it for it to work, just as your mobile phone works whether or not you believe in it.


Not at all! Reiki is very simple to learn and easy to understand which is precisely what attracts most people to sign up for reiki courses. Our reiki courses in Singapore are physical classes and the basic Reiki 1 workshop lasts for 2 days.

During the 2-day class, you will learn the history of reiki, its philosophy, the dos and donts, and where and how to apply it. Most importantly, you will receive the attunement from me to be able to receive reiki.

Thereafter, you can perform self-reiki and also do it for others. Your ability to perform reiki will be permanent and no one can take this away from you. With regular reiki practice, you’ll get better and better at it.

Moving on, you can choose to take the next few levels of reiki courses for distance healing, for personal transformation and even to become a reiki teacher yourself!


The online workshops are inexpensive and convenient because they can be done in the comforts of your home. However, while the feedback from learners isn’t negative, they often don’t see results.

The most common mistake made by online learners is using the techniques wrongly simply because they lack the practical experience. In many online Reiki classes, there’s no guidance from a teacher. Even if there is, you won’t get the chance to practice your healing hands on a fellow classmate. Apparently, the Reiki attunement is weaker when performed from a distance. These are the well-known pitfalls of online learning.

In the end, much time is wasted doing Reiki that doesn’t actually work. I’ve heard of online learners spending years doing the wrong thing, only to experience the real deal in a physical workshop. Many of them eventually sign up for the practical workshop because of their incomplete experience, so to speak.

Question is, why not come for the physical class and become an adept right from the start?

Wellness Is Right Around The Corner

Keen to have a reiki session with a reiki master or learn reiki for self-therapy? Let’s get in touch and I’ll share more details with you.

Sign up with me only if it feels right to you. There is ZERO obligation!

If you’re stuck and genuinely want to overcome your problems, don’t hesitate a second longer and send me your details! I’ll contact you within 24 hours.

Let’s Connect